We can provide mainly services related to field trials to evaluate the efficacy and selectivity of the plant protection products, both for applications under field, protected or controlled conditions:
Biological studies of Efficacy (GEP) for Development and Registration of plant protection products, others means of defense (OMDF) and plant fertilizers:
Phytest Hispania schedules its work planning as far in advance as it has the protocols provided by the clients and from that moment organize and predict all the operations necessary to carry out the trials under more favorable conditions, optimizing the times and ensuring the achievement of the objectives
We understand that the transfer of information must be agile and fluid, so that our clients are informed at all times of the progress of their studies.
With the start up of each project, the appropriate protocols and work procedures are established.
For the monitoring and evaluation of the treatments under test, the assessment methods used are given in the protocol that our clients provide, working in accordance with EPPO guidelines. We can also write the protocol using our own format. We are also ready to adapt ourselves to unusual types of trials not included by the guides.
As required by our major customers, final reports are issued in ARM® (Agricultural Research Manager) software in its latest version, although we can also adapt the work to other report and dossier formats, as well as to other Data Management Software. We can produce reports in both Spanish and English languages if required.