Contact: (+34) 610 77 12 50 | pedro.japon@phytest.es | spanish english

Legal Notice


In compliance with the duty of information gathered in Article 10 of the Law 34/2002, dated 11 July, of Services of the Company of the Information and of the Electronic Commerce, hereinafter appear the following data:

The holder company of the present web domain is Phytest Hispania, S.L.U., with registered office for these purposes in c/ Aljarafe, 19. Polígono Industrial Coria. 41100 – Coria del Río (Seville), Tax ID number: B-91564724, registered in the mercantile register of Seville in sheet 61, Volume 4.463 of Companies, Page number SE-69.088, entry 1st.

Contact e-mail: phytest@phytest.es.



The access and/or use of this portal or web site grants the condition of USER, which accepts, since such access and/or use, the General Conditions of Use that appear in the previous notice. The Conditions will be applicable notwithstanding the General Conditions of Hiring which if applicable become mandatory. In every case, for any specific purpose its express consent will be asked.



Our web provides the access to information, services, programs or data (hereinafter we will start calling them “the contents”) in Internet belonging to Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. or to their licensors to which the USER may have access.

The USER takes the responsibility for the correct use of the portal. Such responsibility extends to the registry which could be needed to have access to certain services or contents. In such registry the USER will be responsible for providing true and legal information about its data. As a consequence of this register, the USER can be given a password of which it will be responsible, undertakes to make an adequate use of the contents and services (such as for example chat services, discussion forum or groups of news) which offers through its portal and including but not limited to use them to:

  • Engaging in illicit, illegal or contrary to the good faith and the public order activities
  • Disclosing contents or racist propaganda, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal, supports terrorism or which constitutes an attack on human rights.
  • Cause damages in the physical and logical systems of the owner, of its suppliers or third persons, introduce or disclose in the computer virus network or whichever other physical or logical systems susceptible of causing damages previously mentioned.
  • Try to have access and, where appropriate, use the electronic mail accounts of other users and modify or manipulate its messages. The owner of the portal reserves the right to retire all those comments and provisions which violate the respect to the dignity of the person, which are discriminatory, xenophobe, racist, pornographic, which threatens young people or infancy, the order or the public security or which, in its opinion, do not turn out adequate or convenient for its advertisement. In any event, the owner of the portal will not be responsible for the opinions voiced by the users through forum, chats, or other participatory tools.



The use of personal data is defined based on the General Regulation of Data Protection (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Board, dated 27 April 2016, and the current Spanish regulation. With the aim of achieving the utmost transparency and based on our proactive policy we inform you:

  • Why do we request your data?
  • Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. only requests data that allow to give response to the queries to whom freely have contacted with Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. through the web www.phytest.es

  • What type of data do we gather?
  • Numbers of telephone or e-mail address to establish contact with whom request information about Phytest Hispania, S.L.U., the contents included in the web site or the services we offer. Under no event, will it be used with advertisement purposes nor with other purposes different to the ones related to the query which the user forwards us.

  • How can they be gathered?
  • Through a specific form provided for such purpose in the section of contacts in the web site of Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. sent to the e-mail phytest@phytest.es

  • Use shared with third parties:
  • Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. will not share, unless there is express consent of the user, none of the data which are provided to us for the purposes of formulating the relevant consultation.

    Rights: It has right to have access to its data, to rectify them, suppress them, limit them and object to their processing at any moment, it may also withdraw consent provided and claim before the control authority (Spanish Agency of Data Protection c/ Jorge Juan nº 6 – 28001 Madrid). For the exercise of its rights it has a direct channel with our company in the mail phytest@phytest.es and in the postal mail c/ Aljarafe, 19. Polígono Industrial Coria. 41100 – Coria del Río (Seville), indicating in the issue protección de datos (data protection).

  • Privacy in the browsing
  • The owner of the web site takes the privacy very seriously, and makes an effort to achieve transparency in every feature related to personal data. If you wish to configure cookies, we attach the links corresponding to each browser. We beg you to read the policy of cookies of our web in order to obtain more information.

    You may find more information about how to change the configuration of the cookies in the explorer which uses in the following list:

  • https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/technologies/managing/
  • http://support.mozilla.com/en-GB/kb/Cookies#w_cookie-settings
  • http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies
  • http://www.apple.com/safari/features.html#security

Likewise, Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. informs that it complies with the Law 34/2002 dated 11 July, of Services of the Company of the Information and the Electronic Commerce and it will request from you its consent to the processing of your electronic mail with commercial purposes at each moment.



The owner itself or as transferee, is the holder of all the rights of intellectual and industrial property of its web page, as well as of the elements contained in the same (including, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; marks or logos, combinations of colors, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs needed for its performance, access and use, etc.…).

All rights reserved. By virtue of the provisions in Articles 8 and 32.1, paragraph 2, of the Law of Intellectual Property, it remains prohibited in an express manner the reproduction, the distribution and the public communication, included its modality of providing, completely or partially the contents of this web page, with commercial purposes, in any support and through any technical mean, without the authorization of Phytest Hispania, S.L.U.

The USER commits to respect the rights of Intellectual and Industrial Property owned by Phytest Hispania, S.L.U.

You may view the elements of the portal and even print them, copy them and store them in the hard disk of your computer or in any physical support and whenever it is, only and exclusively for its personal and private use. The USER must refrain from suppressing, modifying, avoiding or manipulating any protection device or security system which was installed in the pages of http://www.phytest.es



Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. does not undertake any responsibility, under no event, due to the damages of any nature which may be caused, by way of illustration: errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of virus or malware or harmful software in the contents, despite having adopted the technologic measures needed to prevent it



Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. reserves the right to perform without previous notice the modifications deemed appropriate in its portal, being able to change, suppress or add both the contents and services provided through the same such as the manner in which these ones appear shown or located in its portal.



In the event of www.phytest.es providing links or hyperlinks towards other Internet sites, no type of control will be exercised over such services and contents. Under no event will Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. accept any responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to a foreign web link, neither will it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, extent, truthfulness, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of such hyperlinks or other Internet sites. In the event of using the links we beg you to have access to the privacy policy and legal notice to the visited page.

Similarly, the inclusion of these external connections will not imply any type of association, fusion or participation with the connected entities.



Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. reserves the right to deny or withdraw the access to the portal and/or the services offered without needing prior notice, at its own request or at that of a third party, to those users who do not comply the present General Conditions of Use.



The noncompliance of the present conditions will be pursued as well as any undue use of its portal performing all the civil actions and criminal proceedings that may be applicable under the Law.



Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. may modify at any moment the conditions determined here, being duly published as appear here.

The validity of the mentioned conditions shall work based on its display and will be valid until they are duly published and modified by others.



The relationship between Phytest Hispania, S.L.U. and the USER will be governed by the Spanish current legislation and any other conflict will be submitted to the relevant authority.